Powerful Imagery

Presenting your home through photography

We can’t emphasis enough the importance of using an experienced photographer when selling your home. Most peoples first impression of your property will be through photography not a physical viewing. The key to enticing interested buyers is through beautiful imagery. 

  1. Interiors

    Make sure they are neat and clean. Clutter detracts so remove all clutter and apply simplistic and tasteful staging to every room. You want to create an inhabited space without it looking overly personal. 

  2. Views and Unique features

    Views are irreplaceable if there is one make sure it is presented to the highest standard. Views and unique features help your property stand out, buyers will remember it.

  3. Special spaces

    Emphasise any special spaces in your home, perhaps you have a studio or a private space in your garden. These spaces make your  property special so it is worth emphasising them through imagery.

  4. Small Spaces

    Giving depth to a room by removing some of the furniture and any clutter, this will make the space seem larger. Open all the curtains to let in more light this adds a feeling of space.


Myths V’s Facts – Lending


Orewa Central- Jan 24’ Market Update